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One Trick Ponies

No one will ever be able to know the thoughts that rushed through my head coming into the apron challenge. The last one to work for the 20th spot on the show – and clearly, they saved the best for last! ​ I stood ready to make great charred flesh and sides, only to be dealt a cupcake. “A CUPCAKE”! I was simply not expecting this to be the unveiled challenge for the coveted white apron, yet​ there it was. I had to make three perfect and​ delicious pastries in the form of cupcakes – this was all that stood between me and my journey to become America's next​ MasterChef. The gauntlet had been thrown down, ​ they had to be moist, mouthwatering, delicious convections of Texas -​

styled, ​ savory​ chocolate sweetness, ​ coupled with some heat. My plan formulated so quickly in my head at that moment – I was ​in that moment, ​ a prized quarter horse chomping at the bit to go show… and ​show, ​I did! ​

This reality cooking thing just got real, real fast but one thing I can never be accused of, nor proven to be, is that I am a “one trick pony”. So, I saddled up, ​ and went to town on that pastry challenge. If you think on it, ​ it was​ a bold and clever move, ​ having me and my competitor show our dessert sides. Neither of us expecting the reveal, ​ and both of us digging deep to show our hobbyist culinary sides from all angles. As you can see from the show, ​ I had both the right mental fortitude and execution to rise up for the Cupcake Challenge – I was born ready. ​

Clearly, ​ it was a close call for the judges. When Chef Ramsey looked me in the eye, ​and said “fu*&@%! delicious!"​, I mean seriously.... if that's what you can do with a cupcake f%@&! knows what you can do with a steak"​. I was certainly more confident from his praise, but while waiting there, sweating bullets on camera ​for them to choose the winner, it was just as much a test in mental and physical fortitude as the contest itself for the apron. ​

Well as you now know, ​ I won the coveted apron, on to next steps toward the prize. One more second on the show, one more inch toward my goals, one more foot advancing to a win. This cowboy has more than one ace up his sleeve, and more than one knife in his boot. ​Lets ride...

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